Ellie Mae

Here is a wonderful specimen of a Liver Roan German Shorthaired Pointer.

Ellie Mae German shorthaired pointer
muddy paws kennel German shorthaired pointer
Ellie Mae German shorthaired pointer

AMBROSIA VON DEM FEUERHAUS TKN | Roan German Shorthaired Pointer

Call name Ellie Mae is the newest GSP puppy addition to Muddy Paws Farm and Kennel. She has an enormous amount of potential. This girl is a sweetie. Ellie Mae was born on Valentines day (Feb 14, 2021). She has a pedigree that is mostly European bloodlines and is a Liver Roan German Shorthaired Pointer. Ellie Mae has a very outgoing, personality that shows in everyone and every dog she meets. She would make any German Shorthaired pointer breeder proud! We are very excited to see how this bird crazy girl develops.

Born: 02/14/2021

NAVHDA NA Prize II Score 106 pts

(Trained by Shelby Bucy | Handled by Lew Bucy)

Tested at 6.5 months old

Muddy paws kennel German shorthaired pointer

We breed to the breed standard, and strive for proper conformation, since we strongly believe that form follows function. Keeping with the breed standard ensures that our dogs are capable of doing the job that they were bred to do…hunt.

Although we strongly encourage our buyers to hunt with, and compete with our dogs across all venues, We don’t require that buyers hunt in order to purchase our puppies.

We take pride in the dogs we produce, and in the decisions we make in our breeding program. Therefore, we don’t make breeding decisions hastily or based on popular ideas, instead we use research and science to guide our choices.

Muddy Paws Kennel has owned the German Shorthaired Pointer breed for almost 9 years. So we use that experience to develop the types of dogs that we want to own ourselves. Dogs that have great temperaments, that are trainable, and that are born to hunt.

Contact us here at Muddy Paws Kennel for available German Shorthaired Pointer GSP puppies.

Thank you for your interest in Muddy Paws kennel.